Sunday, February 3, 2013

Homework DAYZE

Here is my life as of late.
trying to keep up with six classes (one of which I should be studying for now).
desperately trying to get motivated to get in the gym and get back on a healthy routine (I worked out once this week, does that count?).
trying to manage my job and school which seems in possible.
wanting to spend every moment with Casey (the sexy husband) - who is currently enjoying sunshine without me on a biking trip.
never getting enough time to do laundry, cook, or clean.
feeling like I got a hit by a bus after a semi-successful snowboarding trip accompanied with an emotional break down after a not so successful attempt at getting off the lift.
wanting to spend more time with my cute grandpa who is super lonely without my cute grandma, we did go on a breakfast date to the infamous Sills Cafe today (I do suggest going if you've never been).
and last but not least trying desperately to survive in the shared space of my mothers house.... she's not bad but it's hard being newly weds without your own space.

That's my life, enjoy.

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