Saturday, November 30, 2013

Give Thanks.

I may be a few days late but Happy Thanksgiving!  I have been slacking on the blog lately and it's because I have just been too caught up in this crazy life. So, I figured there is no better way to get back into the swing of things then starting with what I am thankful for. Every Thanksgiving I always think about what I am thankful for but I never take the time to share with others so, here it goes! For starters I am beyond thankful for my family. Families may not always get along, and they may drive me crazy sometimes, but at the end if the day I love my family so much! I really couldn't survive this life without Casey, he is my whole world and I am so thankful for him!  I am also thankful for the fact that I am blessed enough to be married to my best friend and my team mate. I think too many people take marriage for granite and don't realize how blessed they are to be with the person that makes them better and takes the time to know and love them. Marriage isn't perfect or easy and that's why I say Casey is my team mate. Marriage takes work and that's why I am so thankful for Case. He makes me want to be better every single day, and lets me know how much I am loved all day long. I am so thankful for him!

I am also thankful for our wonderful friends, education, careers, a warm place to live, and the beautiful things that make life that much more special. 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Beatin this heat.

Okay, it has been so hot the last few weeks. I'm talking over a 100 degrees and while I like my hot heat I have had enough! I am one of those people who sweat like its my job so when its this hot all I want to do is stay inside and eat frozen treats! Yesterday was the first day in a month that Case didn't have school on a Saturday but again, it was hot so we didn't want to do much. We tried to beat this heat and stay inside but did venture out for some much needed snow cones.

Plus, I being stuck inside all day I got domestic and made my first ever batch of raspberry jam! If you have been like me and have a little bit of fear when it comes to canning and making jam at home, I am here to say that this was so easy I don't think I will ever by store jam again.

Don't these look amazing? I admit that I paid a little more than I should have but I just can resist fresh fruit for sale on the side of the rode in the summer time... it really is so much better then the fruit you get in the store.

 So really don't be afraid to make homemade jam, it is so easy! This is freezer raspberry jam which is even easier.

Freezer Raspberry Jam:
  • 4 cups mashed raspberries
  • 3 1/2 cups sugar
  • 1 box of sure jell premium fruit pectin (I used the 1.75 oz. pink box - it calls for less sugar)
The instructions come in the sure jell box and there are instructions for all kinds fruit jams and jellies. This batch made eight small jars of jam and only took me about 45 minutes to make. I dare you to try it, it is so yummy!